Ausubo Press
        An Independent Multicultural Publishing Company


About Ausubo Press

Ausubo Press is named after one of the strongest indigenous trees found in Latin America, native to Puerto Rico and, against all odds, still standing after hundreds of years of adversity.  A tree and wood of superior character and quality, the Ausubo became a victim of its own excellence, almost being harvested to the brink of extinction. Yet the Ausubo tree has proven itself a force of Nature to be reckoned with: enduring, willful and indomitable.

Ausubo Press strives to emulate the nobility manifest in the hearty perseverance of its namesake by publishing the works of insightful authors from different cultures who have stood fast, survived, grown and even prospered in the most foreign or hostile land. These stories emerge from peoples in occupied countries ranging from Ireland to Puerto Rico. Our list includes biographies, memoirs, culture, fiction, history and politics. We also publish literature in translation and pride ourselves in working with the best translators from Central America, South America, and the Caribbean.

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